About The Alexander Technique

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The Alexander Technique is a way of solving problems in everyday life.

What problems do you have?

Aches, Pains, Anxiety…?

Fundamental to health and well-being is efficient breathing. Poor posture can interfere with breathing coordination.

Individuals often make up with muscular effort what they lack in poise.

The Alexander Technique offers principles and strategies to reduce excessive muscular tension and to solve problems.

It’s more than a matter of the use of the body, it includes the use of the whole self, thought & movement; mind & body & breath.

Mindfullness in Action!

Healthy functioning of the individual depends on self-care and overall wellbeing leading to

Poise & Postural Balance.

Improvement relies, in large part, on you, the student of the Technique and your willingness to participate in mindful choices. This is an educational process encouraging you to identify and reduce habitual faulty patterns of coordination in daily life and in your specialized activities. Through this heightened awareness you can begin to make new choices in how you think and how you move. Alexander referred to this mind body connection as psychophysical.

Rediscover Your Poise